The Time It Takes To Write a Buffer Blog Post (And How We Spend Every Minute)

The Time It Takes To Write a Buffer Blog Post (And How We Spend Every Minute)

In the fast-paced world of content creation, the efficiency of the writing process can significantly impact a blog’s success. Buffer, a well-known social media management platform, has been transparent about its content creation process. In this article, we will explore the time it takes to write a Buffer blog post and how they allocate every precious minute to ensure high-quality content.

**1. Research Phase (30 Minutes):
The first half-hour of writing a Buffer blog post is dedicated to research. This includes gathering data, statistics, and background information on the topic. Research is the foundation of an informative and credible blog post.

**2. Outline and Structuring (15 Minutes):
After conducting research, the next step is to outline the post. This involves deciding on the main points, subheadings, and the overall structure. A clear structure ensures that the post flows logically and is easy for readers to follow.

**3. Writing (90 Minutes):
Writing itself takes up the largest chunk of time. Buffer allocates a generous 90 minutes for the writing phase. During this time, the writer focuses on producing high-quality content, crafting engaging introductions, informative body paragraphs, and compelling conclusions.

**4. Editing (60 Minutes):
Once the initial draft is complete, the post goes through a rigorous editing process. This involves checking for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity. Buffer values error-free content, and this hour is well-spent in fine-tuning the piece.

**5. Image Selection and Optimization (20 Minutes):
Visual content plays a crucial role in blog posts. Buffer spends around 20 minutes selecting and optimizing images that complement the text. Images are resized and formatted to ensure they load quickly and look great on all devices.

**6. Keyword Research and SEO (20 Minutes):
SEO is essential for increasing a blog post’s visibility. Buffer spends 20 minutes optimizing content for search engines. This includes keyword research, meta description writing, and optimizing header tags.

**7. Internal and External Linking (10 Minutes):
Buffer also dedicates 10 minutes to add relevant internal and external links to the post. This helps readers navigate to related content and boosts SEO.

**8. Final Review (15 Minutes):
Before hitting the publish button, Buffer takes an additional 15 minutes for a final review. This step ensures that all elements are in place, and the post meets their high-quality standards.

**9. Formatting and Publishing (10 Minutes):
Formatting the post for the blog and scheduling it for publication takes around 10 minutes. Buffer ensures that the post looks visually appealing and is set to go live at an optimal time.

**10. Promotion Planning (20 Minutes):
Lastly, Buffer spends 20 minutes planning the promotion of the blog post. This includes sharing it on social media, email newsletters, and other channels to maximize its reach.

In conclusion, writing a Buffer blog post is a well-structured process that takes careful planning and allocation of time. Every minute is accounted for, from research to promotion. By investing time in each stage, Buffer ensures that their blog posts are not only informative but also engaging and optimized for search engines. This approach serves as a valuable example for content creators looking to produce high-quality, efficient content in the digital age.

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