When are Hajj and Eid al-Adha 2024?

[ad_1] Al Jazeera takes a look at the world’s largest religious gathering Mecca sees every year. Hajj, the largest annual Muslim gathering, occurs in Mecca from the eighth to the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, the final month of the Islamic calendar. This year, based on the moon sighting, Hajj will start on June 14, with Eid …

ICJ orders Israel to end its Rafah offensive

[ad_1] NewsFeed The UN’s top court is ordering Israel to immediately halt its offensive on Rafah, open the border crossing to let aid to flow freely into Gaza and to allow unimpeded access for investigators over allegations of genocide in Palestine. Israel said it is acting on its right to defend itself and called charges …

ICJ rules Israel must stop Rafah operation, what’s next?

[ad_1] The International Court of Justice called on Israel to end its operation in Rafah, the southernmost town in Gaza. Over the last two weeks, Israel has reduced entire neighbourhoods in Rafah to rubble and forcefully displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Israel says it needs to move into Rafah to complete its mission of …